Channel: Sinsoft Code

Sinsoft Code


Welcome to Sinsoft Code. This is Sinsoft’s new development blog for all Blender Game Engine (BGE) development activities.

Main website: http://sinsoft.com

BGE 2013 Development Targets


Below is a list of BGE features that Sinsoft thinks are needed to bring BGE more up to date with various other game engines, some features could be in development by other BGE devs, and some could be good candidates for GSoC projects. The list serves as suggestions for BGE features to work on, and we may end up working on one or two features provided no other BGE dev is working on the same feature.

  1. Particle System (Phase 1): core particle system in C++, ability to use a primitive as a particle emitter, and have particles emitted from faces (or verticies), control particle behaviour and properties as well as deal with particle rendering
  2. Particle System (Phase 2): optimizations (offscreen particle rendering)
  3. Bug Fixing: BGE’s bug tracker is at 100+
  4. Scene Graph: better occlusion culling, scene optimizations, batch optimizations
  5. Workflow: LOD system, use existing Blender modifiers for mesh reduction
  6. Animation: performance enhancements (GPU skinning, instanced animations using GPU, bounding volumes to cull animations not currently in view), Dual Quat Skinning for better quality animations
  7. Renderer: multi-threaded (put the rendering in a separate thread)
  8. Android: help out with Android port, Sinsoft has a Nexus 7 Android device for development
  9. Android: once the Android version is more mature, port BGE to OUYA
  10. Import pipeline: look into custom file format for BGE to provide a better end user file format (this might be covered in GSoC). The end result is that the new file format cannot be opened by Blender (only BlenderPlayer). One idea is to create a command line tool that takes a .blend file, bakes the file, and output a .bge file that can only be opened by BlenderPlayer
  11. Renderer: down sampling textures for 2d filters (part of harmony branch)
  12. Renderer: HDR rendering, gamma correct rendering (linear space lighting)
  13. Workflow: implement features from BGE Roadmap Suggestions

Other ideas:

  1. Physics: more BGE physics features (like destructable rigid bodies)
  2. Renderer: PC graphic related stuff like: shaders for inferred rendering branch (harmony branch), real-time GI, light probes for lighting dynamic objects
  3. Terrain System (Phase 1): basic terrain system, a separate “Terrain Mode” (i.e. like “Sculpt Mode”) with brushes that works on heightmaps. Add ability to export 16 bit heightmaps to other engines, and import 16 bit heightmaps into BGE

If you have further suggestions, please leave your comments below.

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